Mentoring Guide

Mentoring Ideas
Thinking about volunteering to mentor a new chapter member?
Or, you volunteered, but now you’re not really sure what to do?
Here are some ideas to get to know your mentee and stay in touch with him/her.

Things you can do to help your mentee get started in the Foxboro Jaycees:

1. Exchange phone numbers/email addresses and other contact information

2. Sit next to them at GMs & mingle with them at projects

3. Introduce them to other Jaycees (e.g. someone with whom they share a common interest)

4. Call/email to let them know about upcoming events

5. Make sure they have received a copy of the New Member Guide (can be printed from the Website) and offer to go through the material with them

6. Suggest ways to get involved:
a. Projects needing manpower
b. Fun projects they can attend
c. Committees they could join
d. Projects in need of chairpeople/co-chairs
e. Open Board Positions (suggest starting out as a Director)

7. Go over Degrees of Jaycees with them -> suggest how they can reach the next degree

8. Let them know how they can earn a t-shirt / sweatshirt

9. Tell them how to access Chairmen’s Planning Guides (CPGs) on the website

10. Suggest a few ‘easy’ projects they could (co-)chair that would make good first-timer projects. Offer to co-chair projects with them.

11. Ask them to join you on a project that you are running

12. If they are chairing a project, ask:
a. Were they able to find a CPG’s online
b. How things are going
c. What they need help with
d. Do they need additional chapter-internal resources (e.g. previous chairmen)?
e. Do they need additional external resources/contacts (e.g. media outlets)?

13. If you don’t see them at a few projects/GMs in a row, call them to see if they are ok & let them know we missed them. Let them know about upcoming events

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