About… Founders Day is the town of Foxboro’s birthday. It is an annual day-long celebration of our town, and the Foxboro Jaycees are well represented — from the parade, to the Booth playground activities such as the membership booth, glow item sales, and plenty of food cooking on the grills!
Founder’s Day begins with a huge parade through Downtown Foxboro. The activities move to Booth Playground, where sports teams, schools, and most of our community and fraternal organizations (such as the Rotary, Jaycees, Doolittle Home, Council on Aging, Historical Society, Scouts, churches and schools, etc.) each set up booths, tents, and kiosks. There’s games, amazing food, and a lot of fun.
That evening, thousands of people bring blankets and chairs to relax and enjoy our spectacular fireworks display over Booth Playground.
Visit the OFFICIAL Foxboro Founders Day Website for the full day schedule, forms, galleries, video, photos, contact information, field map, parade info, and far more.
Founders Day Parade March – The Jaycees (as many who like, and their family and friends) have a float in the parade and hand out candy.
Founders Day Concessions – We sell burgers, hot dogs, etc. to the masses that swarm the field during the town celebration of Founders Day. This is the Jaycees’ biggest one-day fund raiser of the year — please be generous!
Founders Day Glow Items – From glow items to Blinky toys and light-up novelties, this is where we truly make our money to help support our chapter’s community activities. Please be generous!
All site content copyright © 1997-2025 Foxboro Jaycees, PO Box 169, Foxboro, Mass. 02035. 508-203-1JCS (508-203-1527)
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