Making a Difference During COVID-19 Page


The Foxboro Jaycees continue our mission of community development and trying to make our small corner of the world better, event during COVID-19

“Seniors Rock” — an idea to beautify the Doolittle Home garden with painted rocks made with love.

The idea is from Sarah LaBrache, aged 8, a student at the Igo School and daughter of Foxboro Jaycee Amy LaBrache.

Sarah’s great grandmother is a Doolittle resident. Sarah is missing being able to visit her and be in the same room with her because of the COVID-19 crisis, and understands we need to maintain social distancing, but still wants to make the seniors happy. .

The Jaycees wanted to spread some sunshine to the Doolittle Home residents in a way that is safe during this time of social distancing.

The rocks were painted by Foxboro’s young and young at heart!

The rocks were placed by two Jaycees at the Doolittle home’s Park along their walkway for their residents to enjoy

Seniors Rock!! Thank you to all who painted and donated rocks for the walking area at the Doolittle Home! And a huge THANK YOU to project chairman Sarah LaBrache (youngest Foxboro Jaycee project chairman ever!) for organizing this wonderful event and placing the rocks earlier this morning! Sarah.. YOU ROCK!!

In May 2020, the Jaycees placed these inspirational posters around town to cheer people up and let them know we are still here — the signs received great feedback and made people happy.

The Foxboro Jaycees are closely following the COVID-19 National Emergency and are fully prepared to follow any edicts set forth by the Governor of Massachusetts. Out of concern for public safety, obeying the current restrictions on gatherings, and the need to do our part to help limit and mitigate the spread of the illness, we will be adjusting our scheduled events as required.

The Board will continue to monitor and discuss the situation. We will try to make educated decisions on what we feel is in the best interest of the chapter and the public as a whole.

We will keep you updated on our projects/events.


Halloween, 2020: With Covid making it difficult to do Traditional Trick-or-Treating this year, The Foxboro Rec Dept organized this “Drive Thru” for the town. The Foxboro Jaycees were happy to be able to participate and gave out nearly 500 bags of Candy to the steady stream of Families who brought their kids in costumes…  Thanks to everyone who participated.

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